Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Everyone likes to have a unique domain name. Domain names are used as simple identification labels to indicate ownership or control of a resource.An important purpose of domain names is to provide easily recognizable and memorizable names to numerically addressed Internet resources. Domain name is very important to bloggers. Every bloggers want to have interesting domain names for their blog to show up their existence with unique domain name that describe them. Unique domain name will increase pagerank, visitors, traffic, SEO  etc. If a domain name got famous, it will be a trademark for the owner.

How to Register Your Domain Name As a Trademark ?

Registering a domain name is a  very easy task. First, think many good domain names you would like to use. Your domain name must be a prominent part of your home page. It should be at the very top of the page, easy to spot and easy to read. Second, you need a credit card or PayPal account to pay the domain. Third, If you already have a web host, obtain from your web host the names of their primary and secondary name servers, but if you do not have web host, you can register to temporary website specially set up for you. Nowadays many temporary domains are available for commercial purposes.