On Monday, Gambhir and Nehra also threatened to opt for other states, along with five other senior Delhi Ranji players, including Aakash Chopra and Mithun Manhas if things are not resolved."I am absolutely behind Sehwag,There's a need to bring about transparency in the selection process. If things don't improve, I will not hesitate to move out of Delhi this year itself," Gambhir told ."I am in complete support of Virubhai. He's is absolutely right about selection issues, things can be much better," Ishant sharma said.
Nehra, meanwhile, said this was probably the DDCA's last chance to set things right. "The manner in which the DDCA functions, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to leave Delhi. I think this is the last chance for the association to clean up their mess. For two years, when I was injured, I didn't hear one word from anyone, and the moment I made my comeback, they are all looking to cash in on me," he said.
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